Friday, June 1, 2012


Horace Mann at The Huntington Teacher posted this important information about the new proposal for teacher licensing.
ACTION ALERT: Your Comments Needed on REPA II PROPOSAL (Deskilling Teacher Licensing)

The Proposed Rule known as REPA II, scheduled to be heard June 21st, is 53 pages long and complicated, but at its core are rule changes to teacher licensing that will deskill the profession of teaching and dismantle public education. Basically, REPA II could potentially mean all one needs is to pass a test and become a licensed teacher in Indiana.

Consider that a "walk-on" could pass a basic test and be licensed to teach special education. Also consider that with the RISE evaluation, a teacher with 20 years experience in special education could be riffed, have to reapply for their job in the fall, and find they have been replaced by the walk-on who passed a basic test. (If you have wondered how Mitch Daniels and our State Government has created a budget surplus, but didn't understand the loss of service to Indiana students, this deskilling of a work force example explains how.)

Please visit this page where the REPA II public comment form can be found on the IDOE website to make your voice heard.

Please check out this document that gives ideas of what to post on the comment section of the IDOE website.


The availability of the public comment site for REPA 2 has been extended until June 29 at 4 p.m. The original deadline was June 22.

If you wish to comment online, you may do so 24/7 at the following link:


Anonymous said...

For an improved list of concerns regarding REPA II ans a summary of what REPA II entails, please visit:

Caranina said...

REPA II is just wrong, wrong, wrong...and is another example of just how badly Mitch Daniels has been RUINING this state! If we let another like him as governor, shame on the citizens of Indiana. If another "Daniels clone" gets in, like Mourdock, I am definitely leaving this state, and I won't be back!

NEIFPE said...

@Horace Mann -- thanks for the update and link.