Today, I am heartsick and outraged...I saw 50 Senators and our Vice-President vote for a person who is highly unqualified to be our country’s Secretary of Public Education.
Today, I am heartsick and outraged...I witnessed how politicians have loyalty to their corporate donors rather than the common good.
Today, I am heartsick and outraged...I hear yet again the myth of failing public schools.
Today, I am heartsick and outraged...I fear what will happen to the neighborhood public schools who welcome all children.
Today, I am heartsick and outraged...I find offensive the assault on the teaching profession.
But yet...
Today, I am hopeful...I saw 50 Senators who pushed back in committee and testified for 24 hours for public education.
Today, I am hopeful...I stand in solidarity with public education supporters--teachers, parents, students, concerned citizens--who voiced their outrage via emails, tweets, phone calls, and rallies.
Today, I am hopeful...I now observe even more people uniting to save their public schools.
Today, I am hopeful...I believe in the teaching profession which has all children as its main focus.
Today, I am hopeful...I trust in Margaret Mead’s wisdom: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
And so...
Today, tomorrow, and every day...I will join with advocates across the country to save public education.
Today, tomorrow, and every day...I promise to Speak Up! and Speak Out! and be but one, yet mighty, voice for public education.
Today, tomorrow, and every day...I will encourage those who support public education to keep fighting the good fight and never lose sight of its goodness.
Today, tomorrow, and every day...I will continue to value public education as the great foundation of our country, for without it, all else is for naught.
Today, tomorrow, and every day...I will fight against the injustice being brought against public education as I heed the words of Martin Luther King, Jr.: “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”
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