Monday, October 22, 2018

In Case You Missed It – NPE Conference Edition – Oct 22, 2018

Here are links to the articles receiving the most attention in NEIFPE's social media. Keep up with what's going on, what's being discussed, and what's happening with public education.

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I Endorse Andrew Gillum for Governor of Florida

From Diane Ravitch
Here are good reasons to change the leadership of the state:

1. The Republican party has inflicted pain on the public school system and its teachers. They have enacted very loose charter laws and voucher laws. Florida has three different voucher programs, despite the fact that vouchers are specifically banned in the State Constitution, and despite the fact that voters rejected an effort to change the State Constitution to allow vouchers in 2012. The legislature and the governor have given away hundreds of millions of dollars to private and religious and charter schools, which have minimal accountability. They have enacted laws to judge teachers by test scores, even though this method has been proven ineffective and harmful in Florida and everywhere else.


A 50-State-Plus-DC Exploration of Alice Walton’s Political Contributions

From Mercedes Schneider
Several days ago, I began an exploration of the political contributions of billionaire Wal-Mart heir, Alice Walton. I was both curious about her political spending and desiring to offer readers quick links to the campaign finance web sites in all 50 states and DC...

IN: $412,863; American Fed. for Children Action Fund; 2010.


On October 20 and 21 the Network for Public Education held its annual meeting in Indianapolis

Phyllis Bush welcomes the guests at #npe18indy

Indiana loses $150.00 per public school student thanks to vouchers. That's a $4.5 million loss for FWCS. #NPE18INDY

You can see more pictures and videos from NPE18INDY on the NPE Action Facebook Page.


In new Texas campaign ad, Beto O’Rourke slams Sen. Ted Cruz for backing Betsy DeVos

From The Answer Sheet
Education Secretary Betsy DeVos is now an issue in the battle for U.S. Senate in Texas between Beto O’Rourke, a Democratic congressman, and Ted Cruz, the incumbent Republican.

O’Rourke just launched several new ads, including one that is directed at winning over advocates for teachers and public schools, especially those who oppose the agenda of DeVos, who has made “school choice” her prime focus.

In the ad, O’Rourke accuses Cruz of backing DeVos and her support for vouchers, which use public money for private and religious school education.

But is the ad entirely accurate?


ACT: Math Scores Drop to a 20-Year Low

From Diane Ravitch
The newest batch of ACT scores shows troubling long-term declines in performance, with students’ math achievement reaching a 20-year low, according to results released Wednesday.

The average math score for the graduating class of 2018 was 20.5, marking a steady decline from 20.9 five years ago, and virtually no progress since 1998, when it was 20.6. Each of the four sections of the college-entrance exam is graded on a 36-point scale.


Delaware: Betsy DeVos Gives State $10.4 Million to Expand Charters, Despite Lack of Demand

From Diane Ravitch
Mercedes Schneider noticed a curious fact about Betsy DeVos’s latest handout to charter schools in Delaware.

DeVos gave the state $10.4 million to expand charters and “share best practices” only months after a Delaware charter school closed due to under enrollment.

In other words, Delaware does not have a demand for charter schools, but DeVos is funding them anyway.


Gary state senator believes Indiana teachers deserve a pay raise

From NWITimes
State Sen. Eddie Melton, D-Gary, wants to give Indiana teachers a pay raise.

The first-term lawmaker last week said he will work to increase state spending on education and educators when the General Assembly convenes in January.

"Our teachers are taking on more responsibility and are feeling less respected and less appreciated each year," Melton said.

"I am proposing we raise teacher salaries by allocating additional funds to the school funding formula in the upcoming budget session to show our teachers that we value the hard work they do for all of our state's children."


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