Monday, February 8, 2021

NEIFPE 2020 Year in Review

Year in Review 2020

Like everyone else, Northeast Indiana Friends of Public Education (NEIFPE) looked forward to the start of a new decade and its continued advocacy for public education. The thought of a Presidential election and other national, state, and local elections meant informing the public of candidates’ stances on public education.

As we all know, three months into the new year and the arrival of COVID-19 brought about swift change and turmoil for our country and the world.

Within those first three months, NEIFPE focused on attending events where state and local legislators met with teachers and concerned citizens to address public education concerns.

NEIFPE also met with area candidates for political office to provide information on public education issues.

Of course, NEIPFE in-person meetings quickly gave way to Zoom meetings and/or socially distanced meetings in parks.

While the work NEIFPE accomplished in that short time span was important, it paled in comparison to the work done by all those on the front lines of the pandemic.

Once again public school teachers—and all of those entrusted with the education of our students --- did what they always do: doing what’s best for their students. Facing the most dire circumstances, teachers and everyone involved in keeping our public schools going worked nonstop to adapt and develop methods to provide instruction and guidance and well-being for their students.

Even as the 2020 Spring term ended, teachers began to prepare for the 2020-21 school year and whatever it might bring.

We have all read about and seen all the heroic measures that those involved in public education have taken for their profession, colleagues, and most importantly, their students. It does indeed take everyone to get the job done. Thank you so very much for all that you have done and continue to do to make public education so important.


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