Voucher Presentation, August 23, 2017

History of Indiana Vouchers or School Choice Scholarship Program

August 23, 2017

Introduction: Northeast Indiana Friends of Public Education

Public School Myths
  • Unions protects "bad" teachers
  • Poverty doesn't matter
  • America's public schools are failing
Indiana's Voucher Program: School Choice Scholarship
  • Definition of Vouchers
○ Charter Schools

○ Vouchers
  • Beginning: 2011: HB1003
  • Expansion Bill: 2013-14
  • Further Expansion: 2017 HB1004 and 1384
  • Bills to watch for in 2017-18: SB534 and HB1591 (Education Savings Accounts)
  • SGOs: Scholarship Granting Organizations
  • Vouchers and Special Education
  • Academic Progress of Voucher Students
  • Another Look at Indiana Voucher Study
    There are just so many questions about Indiana’s voucher program. And as Superintendent of Public Instruction Jennifer McCormick has pointed out, we’re spending $146 million on vouchers without knowing the answers.
    Meanwhile, the headline result from the study should stand: Students who receive vouchers, on average, are likely to lose ground when it comes to learning math.
  • Who influences voucher growth?
  • What ever happened to separation of Church and State?
  • Voucher schools are not accountable to taxpayers.
What can you do?
  • Follow NEIFPE on Facebook, Twitter, and Blog.
  • Write and call your legislators about legislation which threatens public education.
  • Vote.


Unions protect bad teachers

6 Reasons Teachers Unions Are Good for Kids


Poverty and Potential: Out-of-School Factors and School Success

America's public schools are failing

U.S. Public Schools Are NOT Failing. They’re Among the Best in the World

The Myth of America's Failing Public Schools

Voucher Facts
  • Since vouchers began in 2011, $520 million has been spent on the program, all of which was diverted from the Public School Fund.
What's a school voucher? Here's a primer. (3/19/17)
  • 2016-2017: $146 million spent on vouchers
What's a school voucher? Here's a primer. (3/19/17)
  • $78 million of that paid tuition for 54% of voucher students who had never attended public schools.
Vic’s Statehouse Notes #300 – July 8, 2017
  • Meanwhile: 2017-2020 biennium budget shows an increase of 1.6% and 1.7%, one of the lowest increases in the past 20 years.
Indiana School Funding Increases in the Past 20 Years
  • In 2011, 24% of vouchers went to African American students.
    In 2017, 12% of vouchers went to African American students.
    In 2011, 46% of vouchers went to White students.
    In 2011, 60% of vouchers went to White students.

    Vouchers were originally intended as a way to allow poor students to get out of their urban public schools.

    Today, voucher money is going to middle income students who are already attending private schools.
The Promise And Peril Of School Vouchers (5/12/17)

Information on Fort Wayne Private Schools That Accept Vouchers

More Information about Vouchers

10 Reasons Why Private School Vouchers Should Be Rejected

Almost all the private schools getting vouchers in Indiana are religious

Another Look at Indiana Voucher Study by Steve Hinnefeld


Fort Wayne Area High Schools - Enrollment Data from IDOE for 2012-13 and 2013-14

Growth of Private School Vouchers in Indiana From 2011 to 2017

Indiana Voucher Program: Myths and Facts by FWCS Board Member Julia Hollingsworth

Lubienski, Christopher A. & Lubienski, Sarah Theule (2013). The Public School Advantage: Why Public Schools Outperform Private Schools. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

National Coalition for Public Education: Facts About Vouchers

Nation’s only federally funded voucher program has negative effect on student achievement, study finds

On vouchers, the evidence is in, and it’s not good

School voucher recipients lose ground at first, then catch up to peers, studies find

Students given vouchers in Louisiana do worse than their peers. But new research shows some kids catch up

Top 10 Reasons School Choice Is No Choice


Email: neifpe@gmail.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/NEIFPE
Blog: neifpe.blogspot.com


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